Sunday, April 19, 2009

Photo Essay

This will be a photo essay about my 6 weeks spent in China.

Title: My journey to China!

We are at Guang Zhou Bai He International Airport. This is taken when we arrived at Guang Zhou and were waiting for our next transit flight.

Photo taken on: 4th March 2009

Photo taken by: Anonymous

Photo taken at: Guang Zhou Bai He International Airport

Our first dinner in Wuhan, China.

Photo taken on: 4th March 2009

Photo taken by: Anonymous

Photo taken at: Canteen 2, Wuhan University of Science and Technology

Group 1 and Group 2 taking photo under a Welcome Banner.

Photo taken on: 5th March 2009

Photo taken by: Ernest Sng

Photo taken at: Outside the Foreign Language School, WUST

Busy at work while in the classroom.

Photo taken on: 6th March 2009

Photo taken by: Chew Jia He

Photo taken at: Classroom in Foreign Language School, WUST

Taking photo in front of the statue of Li Bai, the famous Chinese poet.

Photo taken on: 7th march 2009

Photo taken by: Chinese Driver

Photo taken at: East Lake, Ting Tao Lake

The great scenery of the lake is just too mesmerizing.

Photo taken on: 7th March 2009

Photo taken by: Satish Menon

Photo taken at: East Lake, Ting Tao Lake

Playing archery.

Photo taken on: 7th March 2009

Photo taken by: Satish Menon

Photo taken at: A game stall at East Lake, Ting Tao Lake

Posing in front of the statue of an ancient soldier!

Photo taken on: 7th March 2009

Photo taken by: Chew Jia He

Photo taken at: Hubei Provincial Museum

The front entrance area of the museum is really enormous.

Photo taken on: 7th March 2009

Photo taken by: Seah Chee Yong

Photo taken at: The entrance of the Hubei Provincial Museum

Delicious BBQ cuttlefish! Anyone ?

Photo taken on: 7th March 2009

Photo taken by: Seah Chee Yong

Photo taken at: A street opposite Shou Yi Yuan, that sells a lot of delicacies.

Our visit to The Yellow Crane Tower.

Photo taken on: 7th March 2009

Photo taken by: Seah Chee Yong

Photo taken at: Yellow Crane Tower

Our first free-and-easy day. Guess what we did first? Look for food again first of course!

Photo taken on: 8th March 2009

Photo taken by: Seah Chee Yong

Photo taken at: Hu Bu Alley(户部巷), Wuchang Si Men Kou(司门口)

Behind me, is the Wuhan Chang Jiang Bridge (武汉长江大桥)

Photo taken on: 8th March 2009

Photo taken by: Seah Chee Yong

Photo taken at: A street near Si Men Kou and Hu Bu Alley

Sirloin steak. Yummy and delicious! Only at the price of 40RMB!!

Photo taken on: 8th March 2009

Photo taken by: Seah Chee Yong

Photo taken at: Houcaller (豪客来), Steak Restaurant

Day 6. Went for a sumptuos dinner at a fishball restaurant after our lessons ended. Once again, the food there is very cheap but of restaurant standard.

Photo taken on: 9th March 2009

Photo taken by: Satish Menon

Photo taken at: Outside the fishball restaurant

Feeling the breeze. The Three Gorges Dam behind me.

Photo taken on: 13th March 2009

Photo taken by: Seah Chee Yong

Photo taken at: A memorial garden near the Three Gorges Dam

Look how magnificent the Three Gorges Dam is!! It is definitely the pride of China!
Photo taken on: 13th March 2009
Photo taken by: Satish Menon
Photo taken at: The highest peak of the Three Gorges Scenic Spot

It was freezing cold as our cruise ship rose up in the dam lock to continue our journey upstream.

Photo taken on: 13th March 2009

Photo taken by: Sebestian Tan Wee Kiat

Photo taken at: Cruise, at the first dam lock

Cruising on the Yangtze river.
Photo taken on: 14th March 2009
Photo taken by: Seah Chee Yong
Photo taken at: Our smaller tour boat, on the Yangtze River
It's a small world afterall. Met Felicia, my secondary schoomate, on the tour. She's from LSCT.
Photo taken on: 14th March 2009
Photo taken by: Felicia's friend
Photo taken at: Our smaller tour boat, on the way to Shennong Stream
Row row row your boat!
Photo taken on: 14th March 2009
Photo taken by: Seah Chee Yong
Photo taken at: Our wooden boat that is rowing along Shennong Stream
Group photo taken at BaiDiCheng (白帝城), the old ancient site.
Photo taken on: 14th March 2009
Photo taken by: Ernest Sng
Photo taken at: Bai Di Cheng
Practicing our new-learnt Kung Fu moves! Watch my moves!
Photo taken on: 21st March 2009
Photo taken by: Satish Menon
Photo taken at: The square outside Purple Cloud Hall(紫霄殿), Wudang Mountain
Wudang COOL!!
Photo taken on: 21st March 2009
Photo taken by: Mr Chua
Photo taken at: Wudang Mountain
Our cable car ride up to the peak of Wudang Mountain. I guess probably 1000+ feet lingering above the ground.
Photo taken on: 22nd March 2009
Photo taken by: Soh Zhi Hui
Photo taken at: Inside the cable car, on our way to the peak
It says 'The Peak of Wudang" (武当之崩). That means I was on the highest spot of Wudang Mountain!
Photo taken on: 22nd March 2009
Photo taken by: Satish Menon
Photo taken at: The peak of Wudang Mountain
A couple of industrial visits were organised during our stay in Wuhan. These trips were beneficial as they helped broaden our knowledge on how some materials were made.
Photo taken on: 17th March 2009 and 27th March 2009
Photo taken by: Various People
Photo taken at: Wu Gang Steel Factory and Yangtze Optical Fibre and Cable Company
After our shopping spree..Despite the slight drizzle, we were burning with passion for a REVOLUTION! comrades!!
Photo taken on: 28th March 2009
Photo taken by: Xu Shao Ming
Photo taken at: Jiang Han Shopping District, Han Kou(汉口)
BBQ session with the Chinese students. BBQ pork-on-sticks..Anyone?!

Photo taken on: 29th March 2009

Photo taken by: Jeremy Yeo

Photo taken at: BBQ area, Cultural Village next to WUST

When there's time for school work, there's also time for fun and games!

Photo taken on: 1st April 2009

Photo taken by: Tan Jit Siong

Photo taken at: Basketball Court near canteen 2, WUST

Savouring red wine before eating our steaks. What more can one ask for when it comes to food in China? Did I mention that the whole set cost only 40RMB!

Photo taken on: 4th April 2009

Photo taken by: Soh Zhi Hui

Photo taken at: Another steak restaurant at Jiang Han Bu Xing Jie(江汉步行街), Han Kou (汉口)

Lunch break with the LSCT/MDE students during our 'Outward Bounds China'. Our long-table banquet.
Photo taken on: 7th April 2009
Photo taken by: Satish Menon
Photo taken at: Canteen 2, Wuhan University of Science and Technology
Impossible is nothing! Just do it! Anyhow whack at the rock wall =)
Photo taken on: 7th April 2009
Photo taken by: Ernest Sng
Photo taken at: Rock wall, Cultural Village
AFRO groupmate! Presenting Tan Jit Siong aka PERM!
Photo taken on: 7th April 2009
Photo taken by: Satish Menon
Photo taken at: Rock wall, Cultural Village
My new found friend, Kumar. Another AFRO group mate. Coincidentally, he's Sasi's cousin. The sunset scenery behind is breathtaking.
Photo taken on: 7th April 2009
Photo taken by: Ernest Sng
Photo taken at: Near the lake behind the Cultural Village
Looking at the sunrise in China. Reflecting on what I had done for the past few weeks and missing home.
Photo taken on: 10th April 2009
Photo taken by: Tan Jit Siong
Photo taken at: Wuhan University of Science and Technology
And XR soars high up in the air for the dunk!! Taken during the sun rise.
Photo taken on: 10th April 2009
Photo taken by: Tan Jit Siong
Photo taken at: Wuhan University of Science and Technology
4 more days left before leaving for Singapore. I will definitely miss Wuhan, WUST and this clubhouse where we played our ping pong games..
Photo taken on: 10th April 2009
Photo taken by: Tan Jit Siong
Photo taken at: Outside the WUST clubhouse
The day has arrived, for me to return to where I belong. Our plane in the background! Spending the last moment on China ground and soil.
Photo taken on: 14th April 2009
Photo taken by: Ernest Sng
Photo taken at: Flight CZ351's holding area, Wuhan Airport
And my 6-week journey ended as we set foot on Singapore once again. The OIP gang at Changi Airport.
Photo taken on: 14th April 2009
Photo taken by: Mrs Chua
Photo taken at: Changi International Airport
Though my journey has ended, I will remember the friends I made in China, forever and ever =)
Photo taken on: 13th April 2009
Photo taken by: Various people
Photo taken at: Outside Foreign Language School and our dormitory, WUST

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Day 41 and 42

Day 41:

Woke up to realise that it's the second last day that I would be spending in Wuhan. Did nothing much until the late afternoon.

Went to the Foreign Language School at around 4P.M with Ben, Jeremy, Jia He, Dave and Zhi Hui to help decorate the lobby for the closing ceremony. At around 5.40P.M, our Chinese counterparts arrived and the lecturers from Singapore and hosts from China began giving their speech. After that, we had the last interaction session with the Chinese students.

Photo with the Chinese students.

After that, we went out of the building to play fireworks. However, before we could really start to set off the fireworks, the school guard came and stop us. Understandable as afterall, we are playing fireworks IN the school compound and it would therefore pose some risks to the other students. In addition, there are dormitories nearby as well.

However, our lecturers told the guard that we had already seeked approval from the school authorities and the guard finally let us carry on with our fireworks session.
One box of fireworks soon to light up the night sky.

Fireworks in action!!

Mesmerising view, I will definitely remember this moment forever.

After the firework display, took a few photos with my Chinese friends. This would most probably be the last time I would be seeing them... It's quite saddening actually, to come here, adapt to this place, get to know the locals but we got to leave so soon.
Me and WenQian =)
Group with WenQian =)
Me and Sally =)
After that, went to Hua Tai Jie with Alex for our last dinner together. Ordered lots of food as we would not be able to eat them again. Tang yuans are definitely on the list. Bought BBQ cuttlefish too. I will definitely miss Hua Tai Jie, the place where we usually settle our dinner without having to consider the prices of the food =x Seriously, I will miss the experience of eating there.
After that, went back to dorm. Alex tagged along as he wanted to see our rooms. We took our last photo with him before he bid us farewell...
Photo with Alex.
After Alex left, began packing luggage. Went up to 4th level to have a couple of drinks before returning to own room to sleep. My last night in my room, with my pillow, blanket and BED.

Woke up. Did some last minute packing. Went to canteen 2 for our last Wuhan breakfast. Returned to dorm to weigh luggage. To my surprise my 2 luggages meant to be check-in weighed only 20kg.
After that, there was a surprise visit by Alex! He specially skipped class to come bid us farewell. Chatted with him until we were told to exit the building and head for the bus. Took a last look at the service apartment where I had spent my 6 weeks in, before dragging my luggages to the bus. Alex helped by carrying some of my luggages. Boarded the bus and we drove away. Bid the last and final farewell to Alex and we exited the school gate.
Went to the airport in Wuhan and waited for the time to check in. Our flight is a 1515 flight and hence we had a bit of time to grab lunch. After that, we made our way to the departure gate.
Our plane. China Southern Airlines
Boarding the plane.
The last few final moments in Wuhan.
Where's our seats ?
Ready for take-off.
XR says Goodbye to Wuhan...

Reached GuangZhou airport at around 5plus. Waited for our time to check in again for our final flight to Singapore. While waiting, we ate our last and final PORK BURGER bought from the Macdonalds in the airport. I will miss the pork burger for real..
After the usual security checks and clearence, we boarded another China Southern Airlines plane and we soon began our journey back to Singapore. The trip took around 4 hours and we landed at Changi International Airport at 2250 hours, 15minutes earlier than the scheduled time.

Reached Changi Airport.
Our last group photo...
Went to the duty-free shop to grab a couple of liquor before collecting our luggages. After that, we exited the arrival hall. And with that, my 6 week-journey had come to an end. These 6 weeks had been very eventful and fruitful. I had learnt alot of things, learnt to be independent make new friends and most importantly, see the outside world. No doubt it hurts to leave China, especially after I had spent 6 weeks staying there, but no where else is better than home, which is Singapore. I will definitely miss the food there, people, the school campus and even the toilet which chokes frequently. If I can turn time back, I would still sign up for this trip =)