Thursday, April 9, 2009

Day 35 and 36

Day 35:

Went to the Cultural Village at 8a.m. Realised today that other for BBQ and bonding activites, the place can be used to hold leadership training activites. There are several high rope elements at the area and a rock wall used for rock climbing. The instructors that are facilitating us are actually millitary instructors for the Chinese millitary students! While waiting for the MDE/LSCT fellow Ngee Ann students to arrive, we played a ice-breaking game. (I think we don't need any ice breakers at all. We are all bonded like covalent bonds.)

Nonetheless, we still played the game.
Doing forfeits!
Hold still and don't move!

When the MDE/LSCT students arrived, we were broken up into groups. We were then given around an hour to think of a group name, group cheer and design our group flag. After thinking for awhile, we decided to choose AFRO as our group name because of Stefen's hair!
Introducing our group flag and cheer.
Doesn't he look like the guy on the flag?

After that, we were given a pile of newspaper and were told to make something like a tank roller belt. We were given around 1 hour plus to complete the task. At first, this seemed like mission impossible, until some guy from MDE/LSCT gave a very good suggestion. So in the end, we managed to make something presentable.
Our end product. Tata!

After that, we were released for lunch break. Since the MDE/LSCT students were not living with us and it was their first time here at our campus, we decided to bring them to our school canteen for lunch. While eating, we were comparing the situations and environments of their campus with ours. After hearing their complaints and such, I felt that we ECE students were actually quite fortunate as our overall living conditions is better than theirs. However, their campus is located nearer to the city and hence they have more shopping areas than us =x
Lunch at canteen 2!
After lunch, the MDE/LSCT students went to our dormitories to have a look at our living conditions. After that, we returned to the Cultural Village and carried on with the afternoon activities.
Afternoon activites started off with a team-building game. We have to collect whatever items the instructors requested us to find and present it to them. After the game, we went off to our first station, Trust Falling. At this station, one person will stand at a platform with a height of around 1.5m. He will then backface a group of people, who act as the safetymen, and fall freely into the arms of these people. The feeling was really exhilirating when I was standing at the edge of the platform. But heck, I just fell freely and was really relieved when I made contact with the strong arms of my fellow team members =). This sessions taught us to always trust your team mates.
Ben falling down! Get ready guys!

After that, we went to the 2nd station, high rope element. This particular station is called the broken bridge. One person will climb up to the wooden plank, walk along it, then jumped onto the other plank before free-falling down to ground. Once again, the feeling was marvellous. I felt like I was flying as I free-fell down.
The Broken-Bridge station.

We then went to the last station after that. The last station is rock-climbing. This was the main 'plaything' of the day! LOL. Had been waiting for this station for a long time.
All set and ready! Let's go!
Me climbing up the rock wall. The climb was really exhausting.
Come on! I can do it. Anything is possible!
Sadly, I did not reach the top and this was the furthest I could go =(
Back on ground with Jit.
While the rest were still rock climbing, Mr Ma came over and broke a news to us. It went like this, we were supposed to have APPG final test the next day. However, Mr Ma and Mr Chua decided to postpone the test till the first week when we return to Singapore!! This is definitely good news to me as I had not study for the test and don't think I will be as I'm so exhausted.
Mr Ma, man of the day!
Ngee Ann group photo!
Again and again!
Informal group photo. Notice where my hands were at..
Giving thanks to our Chinese instructors.
After the end of the 'Outward Bound China', we went to the lake with the MDE/LSCT students to enjoy the scenery. Over there, we took many photos.
Performing on the stage. Drowned in the music.
Taking photos while the sun is setting, could be really fun.

Me and new-found friend from LSCT, Kumar. Coincidentally, he's Sasi's cousin.
Attempting to make the words ECE OIP.

While the sun sets, it symbolised that we were one day closer to home. The OIP is coming to an end really soon. We were left with only exactly 1 week. We experienced lots of things here, learnt lots of things, see lots of things as well. This is the place where I spent 6 weeks at. When the day of departure arrives, could I bear to leave ?

At night, we went to Hua Tai Jie for dinner. Met Mr Ma and Mr and Mrs Chua there and we ate dinner together. Today could be the last day we would be seeing the MDE/LSCT students as they would be flying back to Singapore on Sunday, 2 days earlier than us. We had been to trips together and somehow, a relationship is forged between us and them.
Day 36:
Went for APPG project interview in the morning. Presented my program and off we went for lunch at canteen 1 again. Soup and rice! After that, went back to dorm to rest awhile before going off to Guang Gu for hair cut. Jit Siong came with us as well. We borrowed this discount or VIP card from a Chinese student and we were entitled to some discount =)
The hair salon is actually quite big and there were quite a number of employees there. Went in and they gave us a hair wash first.
I paid extra 10RMB for the 店长to help me cut my hair. Since he's the 店长, his skills must definitely be above the rest.
Cutting my hair.
Cut finish already.
Okay. Quite satisfied.
JiaHe a.k.a Chewy, dying his hair.
After looking at Jia He's dyed hair, me and Jit Siong were very tempted to dye our hair too. We were considering for a long time until we finally gave in to our own desires. HAHA!
Applying the dye.
Jit dying his hair too. But this photo isn't about Jit. Notice the top right corner of the photo..
Zhi Hui rebonding hair.
We then took photo with the 店长.
After that, we went to buy the 6RMB burger. This time there is an offer, 2 burgers for 8RMB!!!! WOW!!!!! Of course, we each bought 2 burgers. Wah..SHIOK!
After that, we shopped for awhile before taking a cab back to WUST.
Observations of the day. We took bus to Guang Gu. The bus system here is quite different from Singapore. One can board the bus from either the front door or the back door. Once you board the bus, a lady will squeeze through the crowd to stand beside you and collect bus fare from you. I think this method of payment is really not practical as it's not really pleasant when you are standing in the crowd and a person is shoving you away just to collect money. Also, some people can also 'escape' from payment easily.
The weather in Wuhan is changing now. It's getting warmer day by day. I miss the cool and breezy day.

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