Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Day 29

Woke up early in the morning as today we would be having IS lesson which starts at 8A.M. Also, today is Wednesday. This means that the 'room service' people will come up to help us change our bed sheets and pillow cases. I love clean and tidy rooms. =)

My room before I left for class.

As usual, the IS lecture is conducted by a Chinese lecturer. However, today's case is more special. Our lecturer is actually the dean of the Foreign Language School. Felt so honoured to have a dean teaching us. We were taught about the Chinese history and traditional thoughts. Most of the things learnt are linked to Confucious.
After morning lesson, went for lunch before returning to the bunk. Found our room still in the original state. Was quite disappointed because I thought I would be getting new bed sheets. Fortunately, a few minutes later, the 'room service' people came into our dorm and told us that they would be changing our bed sheets. Actually, they usually change them while we were having morning lessons. So today's routine is quite exceptional.

Behold! I have the keys to ALL the rooms in our block.
Was trying to secretly take photo of them changing the sheets. FAILED.
This photo was taken after getting their consent.

Had dinner at Hua Tai Street again. While eating, I observed something about the Chinese drivers again. Some cars were zig-zagging along the road, cutting lanes here and there as they drove past the slower moving vehicles. It was actually quite dangerous. The Chinese drivers here really thought that the road belong only to them...
Another interesting observation of my own. Had been here for around 4 weeks plus. So far, I had only seen TWO obese people. TWO ONLY! Back in Singapore, it is really quite common to see obese people walking along the streets. But here in China, one can seldom see obese people around. I wonder why...

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