Saturday, April 11, 2009

Day 38 and 39

Day 38:
At 4A.M, went back to own dorm from Jit Siong's dorm. Had a very short sleep ( around 15mins ) before we set off to the top of a small hill in WUST. We were planning to take photos of the sunrise.

We must be crazy to do such a thing during the wee hours!! Climbed all the way up to the hilltop and waited for the sun to rise. Here in China, the sun rises earlier than in Singapore. By around 6.10A.M, the sun slowly appeared on the horizon. Back in Singapore, 6.10A.M, the sun is still nowhere to be seen. Took some photos and went to eat breakfast. After that, went back to dorm to catch a bit of sleep.

Then, we went to Han Kou to shop! Weather forecast said that it would rain today. BUT, luck was on our side, it did not rain. However, it was warm as hell =( . Seriously, the weather here is really that STRANGE. When it's cold, it is really extremely cold. When it's hot, it's also extremely hot...

On our way to Han Kou, we saw a very ironic incident. There was a near-collision between a taxi and a motorcycle. The outraged taxi driver exited his vehicle, slammed his door and went to confront the motorcyclist. A heated argument then broke up between both parties. In the end, the taxi driver lost the battle and drove away. BUT, what's funny was that, there were like around EIGHT police cars parked along that road!! YET, there was no one single police officer that came to do something about it. In fact, we did not even see any police officer on the street. Now, I fully understand why Singapore is a much safer and secured country than China =)

Okay...So we shopped and shopped. Had dinner at Pizza Hut. It was quite funny actually. When we looked through the menu, we were speaking in English, so I think the first waitress that served us, got panic and got another waitress to serve us. This waitress spoke good english, surprisingly. Then, we stared at her and said, " 我们会说华语. (We can speak chinese)". But nonetheless we ordered in English as it was fun. The pizza hut in China is quite the same as Singapore's. Except that the ingredients used in making the pizzas are less than in Singapore. After dinner, it was already around 915P.M. We then took a mini van back to WUST. Reached hostel, drank 2 cans of beer and off to sleep.zzz

Some fun shots:
Finally, we saw what we wanted to see.

Beautiful sky.

XR going for the penalty!
Kick Kick Kick!
Bullies in action!!

Returned to dorm via the 'Adventure Trail'
Climbed all the way downhill.

Day 39:

Went to Wu Chang Qu again to shop. Finally realise that the area is called Si Men Kou, despite having been there for like 3 times. We split into 2 groups to travel there. We took taxi while another group took mini van. The second group reached later because of an incident. Chris and Kenneth told us that on the way here, there was a small accident between their van and another vehicle. Both drivers got into a heated argument and the van driver took out a wrench and hit the other driver with it. Luckily, the mini van driver is quite reasonable and advised Chris and gang to leave the vehicle and take a taxi instead. Bought many things again before going to Hu Bu Alley to eat. Bought the soup bun (tang bao) and they tasted simply delicious. How I wished that we had discovered this food long ago. Isn't it a bit too late now to realise that there's such tasty tang bao in Wuhan...

After that, went to eat steak again. It cost only 40RMB! Eat finish already become very full. It was raining outside as we waited for taxi. For some particular, most of the taxis are going to Han Kou and htey won't fetch us to Jiang Xia. After like, 20mins of waiting, we finally got onto a taxi. However, that's not the end. We had an Initial D experience as the driver cut lanes, make sharp turns and squeezed between 2 vehicles 0.o I count myself lucky to be able to reach WUST in one piece.

Reached dorm and sleep for awhile. Supposed to have fireworks session at 7.30p.m, however, it was postponed till the next day as it was raining. Went out to eat dinner at a nearby restaurant with Mr Ma. There were only 4 of us, and yet we ordered 5 dishes. The food tasted not bad just that some were too salty. The whole bill cost only 77RMB.

Went back dorm to slack. Planning to go upstairs later again..

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